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Boy falls out of high-rise apartment

A boy fell from the eighth floor while at a party and is currently in hospital on July 2, shortly before 7pm.

downsview-boy-fallCP24 provides even a videoclip on their website, quoting a police sergeant (cp24-boy).

“Fortunately, it appears that the ground was saturated (and) broke some of his fall,” Toronto police Sgt. Claudio Martelluzzi said at the scene.

“He did suffer some serious injuries, they are not life threatening. He’s currently undergoing medical treatment.”

The boy’s injuries include some broken bones, Martelluzzi said.

In happier news, an initiative will have people planting fruit trees (mn-trees).

About 15 people, mainly youth from low-income families in the area, have recently graduated from a nine-session training pro- gram with a certificate in fruit tree care. They learned how to prune small trees and large ones up to 10 years old.

“It’s not easy planting and taking care of the trees,” said Susan Poizner, director of Orchard People Fruit Tree Care Education.

The project also aims to help people from the Romanoway Properties — a mixture of condominiums and low-income housing — find casual employment.

Let us wish everyone good luck!

Sources / More info: cp24-boy, mn-trees


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