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TTC proposes #RapidTO on Jane Street

Anyone who has been driving or taking the bus on Jane Street knows that it's been in need of traffic relief for quite a long time now. Finally, the City of Toronto is coming up with some ideas and you get a chance to express your view.

CityTv has a quick presentation on RapidTO on Jane St (also: tcn-trtjs) as well as zone-based transit fares. Steve Munro discusses the removal of stops (part of the proposal) as well as a few other important issues on his blog (sm-rl4js), and there is even a Reddit discussion (rdt-rtojstcons).

The City of Toronto page (tc-rpdtjnst) is by far the most important, having the PDF presentation, the survey that can be taken before April 3, the virtual meeting minutes from March 8 (soon?), as well as public drop-in events:

The public drop-in events are an in-person opportunity to review display panels and detailed drawings at your leisure. Members of the project team are available to help answer any questions and record your comments. You may drop in and leave at any time.

Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Time: 6:30 to 9 p.m.
Location: Driftwood Community Recreation Centre, 4401 Jane St.

Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Time: 6:30 to 9 p.m.
Location: Clairvaux Hall, 1795 Lawrence Ave. W.

These are wheelchair-accessible venues. Please contact us at (opens in new window) or 416-338-7797 72 hours in advance if you require additional accommodation.

Get involved!

Sources / More info: tc-rpdtjnst, tcn-trtjs, sm-rl4js, rdt-rtojstcons


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