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Shootings on Driftwood and St Lawrence

Two shootings were reported today, on near St Lawrence, the other at Jane and Driftwood.

driftwood-stlawrenceStrangely, on The Toronto Star website, only the Jane & Driftwood story is currently trending, while on CBC, neither is.

Chronologically, the St Lawrence shooting happened first, around 3 am.

Police say a man checked himself into hospital with a gunshot wound to the stomach but his condition has not been released.

The shooting and Jane & Driftwood happened around 2 pm, in the afternoon:

  • A 13-year-old boy has been sent to hospital after a suspected drive-by shooting in North York on Sunday afternoon.
  • Police say that the boy was outside of a residence on Driftwood Ave. near Jane St. and Finch Ave. around 2 p.m. when he was shot once.
  • Paramedics confirmed that they transported the teenager in stable condition with minor injuries.

A shooting is never a good thing, but it is curious that while in the first shooting the victim’s condition had not been released and we know that in the second case the victim has only minor injuries, still the Driftwood shooting is getting all the attention.

Sources / More info: ts-boy, cbc-stlaw


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