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Judge censors Toronto police officer for brutality

Although seldom talked about, Toronto Police practice of carding is considered abusive mostly by the black community and, sadly, considered justify mainly by people in the white majority. It is perhaps for this reason that the newly minted Toronto Police Chief has vowed to keep it, despite belonging himself to the "black" minority.

ian_nordheimerFor now, it is only the judiciary fighting for black people’s rights. Most of the establishment, including former police chief Bill Blair (cbc-blair), the new police chief Mark Saunders (np-saunders) and even, to a certain extent, Mayor John Tory, support the continuation of carding.

The policy has resulted in a “crisis of distrust” and it is based on no evidence and racial profiling.

Sources / More info: mn-punched, ts-resistance, np-saunders, cbc-blair


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